Friday, December 28, 2007


Beau has only been able to play with 2 of his big toys that he got for Christmas. We are saving the rest for him to play with when he gets tired of these toys. Also, we are downsizing to a sweet, tiny house and don't have room to have all of the toys out at one time. We are downsizing so that I can stay at home with Beau after May when I finish teaching my 5th graders. This Christmas break has been great so far and it makes me look even more forward to the days when I no longer have to work.....Even if this break has been filled with 2 baby teeth coming in, Beau having a cold, Beau passing his cold to Mom, and Santa coming through our neighborhood on a fire truck Christmas Eve night at 10:45 pm! Beau was not a fan of that at all!!

As of yesterday, we are the proud owners of 2 homes....once again! This is the 3rd home we have owned in the year 2007. Sounds crazy, but we decided to sell our townhouse to upgrade to a family home, then I realized I wanted to stay at home with Beau, so we downsized to a smaller family home. We are praying that our current house sells soon, and then we will move into our new home.

Here are a few pictures of Beau playing with his new toys:

Beau and the learning puppy

Beau and the Shape and Sort Cookie Jar....He just likes to try to dump everything out of the cookie jar right now.....

Beau's favorite bath toy.....Mr. Duckie....not new but he just learned how to put Mr. Duckie's head in his mouth!
Love the blue eyes and long eyelashes!!