Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Outside....Beau's favorite place to be!

Beau loves the outside...."loves" is probably an understatement, but I don't know another word to say for it! He wants to go outside as soon as he wakes up in the morning and would stay out there until night night time (or "night nap" time as he calls it)

This morning he woke up, ate breakfast (I took his pj's off because they were covered in oatmeal), and he ran to get his boots and hat. He put them on the right feet (very impressive!) and put his hat on and ran to the door and said "Outside!"...Who needs clothes to play anyway?

This is a picture from after church on Sunday....he cried so much in the nursery I am surprised his face is not still red from all the tears and fussing! (He was NOT happy about us leaving him in the nursery after leaving him for a few days to go to the beach!)

"Playgroum" is what Beau calls his playground

He is saying "holdy" and holding out his hand for me to help him down the slide because he is too busy looking at our neighbor's dog to worry about having to look down to slide down to go see the dog