Monday, December 3, 2007

Lots of Changes

Well, the past week has been full of changes for the King Family. The most fun change is that Beau has started to eat baby food. He loves sweet potatoes, but has not been so excited about squash.....we will see how the carrots go! He is like a little bird opening his mouth up to get every bite of cereal and sweet potatoes that we feed him.

A not so fun change was me going back to work. Monday was my first day back in the classroom. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that I can quit in May and be a stay at home Mom until Beau is in school. My first day back at work had a rough start. Over the weekend I cried off and on the whole weekend...poor Rodney! Sunday afternoon ,after I cried through church because they showed a video clip of baby Jesus and it reminded me that I had to leave my baby, Rodney and I watched "The Ron Clark Story". It is a great film about a teacher who went to Harlem and changed the lives of his class because he cared. I think Rodney thought it would help me realize my purpose for the rest of the didn't work. I left to go to work without a tear Monday morning and I was so proud. Beau was doing great with his grandmother and I knew we would all be okay. Until, I had to get my classroom key from my Principal. He asked how I was doing and then I lost it. I cried and cried and cried and cried. He was so sweet and let me skip our Monday faculty meeting after school because he knew I wanted to be home with my baby. Working outside the home will be rough, but I know it is only for a short season.

A few pics........

Trying to eat the butterfly

Trying to tell us something important

Too cute!


Lindsey said...

Awwww....Mary Ann, I have been thinking about you this week. You are going to make it through these next few months and everything is going to be just fine!! Beau is taken care of, and very soon you will be home with him permanently! Love you girl!
