Beau is 1 year and one month old. We can't believe how fast he is growing up! He is a good walker and is working on trying to run! He is into everything...all the time! He likes to try to help straighten up around the house. He will hand us pieces of trash, dirty clothes, etc. so that we can put them away. He is too cute!We are inside more now that it is so hot outside. Here are a few pictures of what Beau does during the day.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Playing Around The House
Playing at Books A Million
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday after lunch, Rodney and I decided to give Beau (less than 1/4 teaspoon) peanut butter. He spit it out initially and then licked a little off the spoon. About 5 minutes later, Rodney asked me to come look at Beau. He had small red dots around his nose, mouth, and chin. We called 911 and they were at our house in under 3 minutes! It is great to live so close to the fire station now. They checked him out for 20 or so minutes and said his breathing was great, but that we should still take him in to the ER to get checked out. So, we headed to Children's. We waited forever there and in that time Beau's small rash ended up in a head to toe red splotchy rash. Finally, a Dr. came to check on us and put Beau on a some steroids to hopefully help the rash clear up. It worked great and after another hour or so we headed home. Beau has been fine ever since we got home. He actually was fine for the whole process. He loved the attention from the paramedics at our house and laughed at the Doctors at the ER.
Rodney and I are so thankful for the allergic reaction only being on his skin. The Doctors say the rash should be gone completely within a few days. As a family, we are doing as much research as we can to protect Beau from ever having this type of reaction again. We have a Doctors appt. Monday with his pediatrician, so just pray for widsom for us and for our Doctor so that we can see what to do next.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Fourth of July
We were so excited to celebrate 4th of July with Beau this year. Last year Beau was almost one month old at the 4th of July, so we celebrated with family and friends at home, but did not go anywhere. This year, we started the day by going to the park to play with Daddy. Then, Granny came over to see Beau digging into some watermelon. Then, Beau played in his baby pool in the front yard. His favorite part was getting sprayed with the hose pipe! Then, Beau got to see Nona and Papa C. We ended the night going to Homewood's 4th of July carnival in downtown Homewood. Beau was too little to ride the rides, but we did get to take a horse and buggie ride around town. We had a blast! We stood in downtown Homewood to watch the fireworks display and then walked home when it was over. Here are a few pictures: Beau has gotten to be such a good walker now!
Mom and Beau on the horse and buggie ride
Our friends, The Martin's, with Beau
Watching fireworks with Daddy....He is saying Ooooooh! and pointing
Thursday, July 3, 2008
First Haircut
On Wednesday, Beau had his first official haircut. Rodney and I have cut a few pieces of hair over the past year to keep it out of his eyes and off his ears, but we wanted a professional to cut it for the first time. So, I made an appointment with Yvonne, my hair stylist. She used to do my grandmother's hair, does my hair, and now cuts Beau's hair. So 3 generations of our family have now sat in her chair.
We were a little nervous to see how the adventure would go, but Beau loved every minute of it! He got to eat his first cookie bar from Whole Foods during the hair cut(which Rodney and I tasted, and it was no treat for us, but Beau loved it).Here are a few pictures of the big event: Before the Haircut
Putting on cape
Who needs to eat the treat Mom and Dad brought when you can eat the hair dryer attachments?
The New HairCut
Loving the blowdryer!