We went to the Zoo Tuesday with some friends and Beau had so much fun! He stayed in the water area for almost and hour and a half. One of his friends was eating a pretzel by the water area, and Beau was running by, stopped and looked at the pretzel, but decided to run back to the water instead of ask for the food. He was really having a good time if he was too busy to eat!
His favorite part was trying to stand on the water spout and let the water spray him in the face....he also liked drinking the water.
(In most of the pictures above Beau is playing in the water with other kids that were on a field trip, that is because all of Beau's friends were eating snacks or playing in other areas and Beau was still wanting to play in the water!)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Water fun at the Zoo
Fun in Auburn with Nona and Papa
Playing at Hickory Dickory Park...our little model striking a pose!
Riding a pony with Papa....he looks like he is checking out the situation
Riding on his inch worm with his blankie....he would take this blanket everywhere if we let him!
Playing with Aubie...Beau does not look too thrilled about it!
Outside....Beau's favorite place to be!
Beau loves the outside...."loves" is probably an understatement, but I don't know another word to say for it! He wants to go outside as soon as he wakes up in the morning and would stay out there until night night time (or "night nap" time as he calls it)
This morning he woke up, ate breakfast (I took his pj's off because they were covered in oatmeal), and he ran to get his boots and hat. He put them on the right feet (very impressive!) and put his hat on and ran to the door and said "Outside!"...Who needs clothes to play anyway?
This is a picture from after church on Sunday....he cried so much in the nursery I am surprised his face is not still red from all the tears and fussing! (He was NOT happy about us leaving him in the nursery after leaving him for a few days to go to the beach!)
"Playgroum" is what Beau calls his playground
He is saying "holdy" and holding out his hand for me to help him down the slide because he is too busy looking at our neighbor's dog to worry about having to look down to slide down to go see the dog
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Vacation Time!
Rodney and I are off to the beach for a little vacation! After a fairly stressful past few months of homes for sale and my mom having some health issues, my sweet husband is taking me away! Beau will be staying with his grandparents in Auburn and will have tons of fun in "aubrin" as he calls it. He does know that Aubie lives there and knows how to say "War Eagle" too! He will probably cry all the way back to "Burminham" (as he calls it) when we pick him up after our vacation is over. He hates to leave his grandparents and cries for them when we have to leave them...no fun for us, but we are thankful he loves them so much!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Happy Easter ( a little late)
We celebrated Easter this past Sunday by going to Church of the Highlands. It was a wonderful service! We left Beau home with Nona and Papa because he was still snotty, coughing, and had a low temp. Beau loved his Easter basket and the plastic eggs that he got to hunt! We tried to explain the Easter story to him and quickly realized...he is too young! He, however, HATED the Easter bunny at the mall. We went to get his picture made and in the picture the bunny is sitting down, I am standing next to the bunny holding Beau...he refused to get anywhere near the bunny! He did wave to him and tell him "bye bye" as we were leaving though! Anyway, we went to my Aunt Betsy's house for Easter dinner with my family. We left early because Rodney took my mom to the ER because she was sick. She is on antibiotics and doing much better, but are still going to hire a sitter to help her during the day until she can get into a rehab facility in birmingham to regain her strength.
Here are a few pics that my Aunt Betsy took of the day.... Cousing Jenna holding Beau
Jenna helping Beau hunt for eggs
The 3 of us!
Dumping out Easter eggs for Daddy
Cousin Rachel holding Beau...I think he could of sat in her lap all day!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Easter Egg Hunt
Beau has been battling a fever that has been on and off since Wednesday. He is also cutting two 2 year molars (this is probably the reason for the fever!). This has made for an interesting week, but we were so glad to have a break where Beau was well to play at the park!
On Thursday, we went to an Easter Egg Hunt with our Art Small Group. It was such a fun day at the park! Beau LOVED looking for eggs...he even tried to take them out of other kids baskets! We had a "practice" Easter egg hunt at our house on Wednesday to get him ready for the real hunt. We like to try to "practice" something that is new before he actually does it, so he will know what to do. He especially loved to open the eggs because they had special things inside like stickers and erasers. He also got to make a bunny rabbit craft while he was there. Bunny Rabbit Craft
He is holding the egg out and saying "Egg" "Egg"....he has not really stopped saying "egg" since we got back home from the Easter Egg hunt :o)
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Past Week
The past week started off a little rocky with a trip to the ER last Friday. I was cooking lunch for Beau and I and he pulled a palm tree magnet off the fridge to show me. I quickly realized it was missing the black magnet that went on the back. I asked Beau where it was and he pointed to his mouth. I looked everwhere for it and could not find it anywhere. So, off to the ER we went. (This makes our 4th trip in his 21 month life!....I keep waiting for DHR to come knocking on my door to make me go to childcare classes) Anyway, he was a little nervous about the ER and unhappy that he could not eat or drink. They did an X-ray which he was really unhappy about and it ended up normal. So, off to the house we went. I put him down for a nap and continued my search for the magnet. It was eventually found waaaaayyyyyyyy under the fridge. I am not sure how he could have even pushed it back that far. Oh well...we were very glad he did not eat it because he would have had to undergo surgery to remove it.
This is the only picture I have of our ER experience...notice the grip Beau has on Rodney's hand!
Then, Rodney went out of town for work. He was only gone 1 night. I have never seen Beau so upset before! He kept crying "DaDa!" and then saying "Right Back" because when Daddy goes to work we say how he will be "right back" after Beau's afternoon nap is over. Beau refused to sleep for much of the night that Rodney was gone, but was sooooooooo happy to see Rodney when he got home. (I was too!) I really think Beau thought Rodney had left us....I am praying for no more overnight work adventures for him in the near future!
Beau got to eat a jello pudding while Rodney was gone.....you can tell he really enjoyed it!
Once Beau finally went to sleep and got over screaming "DaDa!" "Right Back", this is what he looked like when he woke up....Check out the curls in the hair!
The week did pick up and go more smoothly... Playing outside
Playing with a baby...Beau loves babies! He loves to rock our friend's babies, give them toys, hug them, etc. It is too cute!
Playing with a friend at art small group
"Cleaning" the side porch to wash the pollen off of it (Rodney had to step in to help and Beau turned the hose on him and soaked him too!) Playing on our bed after bath time
Eating ice out of a Moe's cup....he LOVES to do this, but only out of this particular cup
Beau has started to actually watch a little TV which is great for me! I do not want him to watch TV all day, but he will sit and watch "The Wiggles" DVD for 20-30 minutes. Here is a picture of him....I had to pull him back because he was so close to the TV!