Well, I thought since March was here, we would be able to get out and play at parks, playgrounds, and in the yard a lot. I was soooo wrong! We have played outside maybe 5 times in the past several months because it has been a crazy winter here. So, this morning, Beau woke up early, after going to bed late (Rodney had a meeting and Beau was trying to "wait up" to see Daddy come home!), I knew that I had to make today fun if the little man and I were going to survive it. :o)
So, I realized it was St. Patrick's Day...mainly thanks to Rodney who wore a green shirt to work....and remembered that when I taught school St.Patrick's Day was my favorite holiday to celebrate at school (except Valentine's Day because Teachers rack up on candy on V-Day!). So, for breakfast Beau had strawberry yogurt with some green food coloring, YUM! Then, we painted with shamrock cookie cutters, our fingers,and a paintbrush or two. We even had green applesauce with lunch! Those few activities (plus a friend coming over to play at lunch) allowed us to survive another yucky, cold, spring day in the King household. Warm Weather ( 60 plus degrees with sunshine) can not get here soon enough!!!!! A little green yogurt to start the day!
Painting with a shamrock cookie cutter
Check out the face! He said the paint felt "Yucky!"
The final Masterpieces:
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
How to Get Through Another Cold, March Morning
Monday, March 15, 2010
Play Time
If you ask Beau who his favorite friend is, he will say "Daddy!" Whenever Rodney is home, Beau always wants him to play, chase, read, and watch "TB" (TV) with him. I walked into the play room a while back and found Beau "cutting" Rodney's hair like "Mrs. Bonn"(Mrs. Yvonne cuts our hair). I started laughing so hard because Beau has his Bob the Builder hard hat on, and he was using his Handy Manny pliers to "cut" Rodney's hair. Rodney was such a good sport about it, and let Beau cut his hair for several minutes. I tell him he is not allowed to cut Mommy's, that only Mrs. Yvonne can, because Beau pulls when he "cuts" hair and it hurts!
This has nothing to do with the other pictures, but I walked into Beau's room this morning and he was "reading" in his rocking chair. He knows most of his letters and some of the sounds that they make because he has been watching "The Letter Factory" dvd a lot. Today he was saying "T", "W", "P" for Papa, "R", etc. and naming as many letters as he could. What a smartie!
Horses in Auburn
A few weekends ago, we spent the weekend in Auburn with Rodney's Mom and Dad..."Nona and Papa". Beau LOVES to go to Auburn to see them....he gets to help Papa with yardwork, put water in their fountain in the yard, play with their dog Maggie, and eat Nona's ice from her cup of sweet tea. (this grosses me out because I HATE sweet tea, but we let him do this every once in a while with Nona and Papa).
The Auburn Equestrian team was having a horse competition, so we went to check out the horses. Beau was not too thrilled at first, but then he warmed up to the horses. He has ridden on a horse 2 times before. The 2nd time, the owner of the horse accidentally clipped Beau's chin when she was putting the helmet on him. He cried and cried and cried! He still rode the horse, named Cody, but whenever we talk about horses or see them, he will tell us the story about how the helmet hurt his chin when he rode Cody. I don't know that he will ever forget it! We did not put a helmet on him this weekend, he just got to be held by his Daddy while they looked at the horses.
Let It Snow!!
Several weeks ago it started snowing on a Friday and snow covered our ground through Sunday! It was so nice to look at....we played in it a little, until Beau told me it was "too chilly" outside. Love it...because I was thinking the same thing!!
Here are a few pictures of when it first started snowing....Beau's only real interests in the snow were (1) cutting grass with his lawnmower in the snow (2) eating the snow