Friday, May 30, 2008

Goodbye Paci!!

Goodbye "Nuk" Paci's!

Well, I read somewhere that is easier to take the paci away before a child turns 1. Beau will be 1 on June 9th, so I thought we would start the "bye bye paci" process now. Beau only has his paci when it is getting to be naptime or nightime, so I was hoping the adjustment to sleeptime with no paci would be fairly easy. I told Rodney to pray for us and I said a prayer for us too.

Friday morning I told Beau he was getting to be a big boy and big boys did not need paci's. So, we waved bye-bye to his paci and put it in a drawer. I put Beau in the bed with Mr. Bear and his blankie for his nap. Beau looked at me, and then put his head down. He had a great nap with no tears!His afternoon nap was very successful without a paci too! He went down for bed with no paci and no tears as well. I am so thankful that the "bye bye paci" process is over and was done with no tears (from Mommy or Beau!)