Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Favorite things

Beau loves to play outside. He knows when we put shoes on him that we are going outside (either to play or get in the car to go somewhere). Once his shoes are on, he will go towards the door and say "doe" "doe" for the door. Once outside, he typically waits for us to hold his hand so he can go down the porch stairs to the grass. However, he has been known to start going down the stairs without us. Scary! Once he gets safely to the grass, he takes off like a WILD MAN! He runs around the yard and plays with pine cones, sticks, hickory nuts, waves to the neighbor's dogs and says "woof woof" to them too. Here are a few pictures of our outside adventures:

Another favorite thing of Beau's is shoes. My mom taught him how to say "shoes" at the beach in June. He loves to see shoes, put on shoes, bring other people shoes, etc. If we do not have shoes on inside, he will find our shoes and try to put them on our feet for us. He will stare at other peoples shoes and point to them and say "shoes!". This morning I was cleaning out my shoes...making the swap from spring/summer to my fall/winter shoes. Anyway, Beau had such a good time "helping" me take shoes out of my closet and put them into my storage basket.

Beau's other favorite thing is his Daddy. It is amazing. I know Beau loves me a lot and if he can not find me in the house, I can hear him walking around saying "Momma" until he finds me....which is precious. But, all day long, the word I hear more than any other, is Da! Da! Da! (this is what Beau calls Rodney). He says it when he wakes up from a nap, in hopes that Rodney is already home. He says it when we go to lunch, the mall, or anywhere in public. I guess he thinks Rodney is going to meet us wherever we go. When Rodney gets home from work, I tell Beau that Da is home. Beau runs to the side door and waits for Rodney to come up the stairs to see him. Then, the playtime starts! I think this is what Beau looks most forward to everyday. It is too sweet!


The Hoppers said...

Lawson loves shoes too! Why is that? He can sign "shoes" and does it all the time.